Source code for gin.config

# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2020 The Gin-Config Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Defines the Gin configuration framework.

Programs frequently have a number of "hyperparameters" that require variation
across different executions of the program. When the number of such parameters
grows even moderately large, or use of some parameter is deeply embedded in the
code, top-level flags become very cumbersome. This module provides an
alternative mechanism for setting such hyperparameters, by allowing injection of
parameter values for any function marked as "configurable".

For detailed documentation, please see the user guide:

# Making functions and classes configurable

Functions and classes can be marked configurable using the `@configurable`
decorator, which associates a "configurable name" with the function or class (by
default, just the function or class name). Optionally, parameters can be
allowlisted or denylisted to mark only a subset of the function's parameters as
configurable. Once parameters have been bound (see below) to this function, any
subsequent calls will have those parameters automatically supplied by Gin.

If an argument supplied to a function by its caller (either as a positional
argument or as a keyword argument) corresponds to a parameter configured by Gin,
the caller's value will take precedence.

# A short example

Python code:

    def mix_cocktail(ingredients):

    def serve_random_cocktail(available_cocktails):

    def drink(cocktail):

Gin configuration:

    martini/mix_cocktail.ingredients = ['gin', 'vermouth', 'twist of lemon']
    gin_and_tonic/mix_cocktail.ingredients = ['gin', 'tonic water']

    serve_random_cocktail.available_cocktails = {
        'martini': @martini/mix_cocktail,
        'gin_and_tonic': @gin_and_tonic/mix_cocktail,

    drink.cocktail = @serve_random_cocktail()

In the above example, there are three configurable functions: `mix_cocktail`
(with a parameter `ingredients`), `serve_random_cocktail` (with parameter
`available_cocktails`), and `drink` (with parameter `cocktail`).

When `serve_random_cocktail` is called, it will receive a dictionary
containing two scoped *references* to the `mix_cocktail` function (each scope
providing unique parameters, meaning calling the different references will
presumably produce different outputs).

On the other hand, when the `drink` function is called, it will receive the
*output* of calling `serve_random_cocktail` as the value of its `cocktail`
parameter, due to the trailing `()` in `@serve_random_cocktail()`.

import collections
import contextlib
import copy
import enum
import functools
import inspect
import logging
import os
import pprint
import sys
import threading
import traceback
from typing import Optional, Sequence

from gin import config_parser
from gin import selector_map
from gin import utils

class _ScopeManager(threading.local):
  """Manages currently active config scopes.

  This ensures thread safety of config scope management by subclassing
  `threading.local`. Scopes are tracked as a stack, where elements in the
  stack are lists of the currently active scope names.

  def _maybe_init(self):
    if not hasattr(self, '_active_scopes'):
      self._active_scopes = [[]]

  def active_scopes(self):
    return self._active_scopes[:]

  def current_scope(self):
    return self._active_scopes[-1][:]  # Slice to get copy.

  def enter_scope(self, scope):
    """Enters the given scope, updating the list of active scopes.

      scope: A list of active scope names, ordered from outermost to innermost.

  def exit_scope(self):
    """Exits the most recently entered scope."""

# Maintains the registry of configurable functions and classes.
_REGISTRY = selector_map.SelectorMap()

# Maps tuples of `(scope, selector)` to associated parameter values. This
# specifies the current global "configuration" set through `bind_parameter` or
# `parse_config`, but doesn't include any functions' default argument values.
_CONFIG = {}

# Keeps a set of module names that were dynamically imported via config files.

# Maps `(scope, selector)` tuples to all configurable parameter values used
# during program execution (including default argument values).
_OPERATIVE_CONFIG_LOCK = threading.Lock()

# Keeps track of currently active config scopes.
_SCOPE_MANAGER = _ScopeManager()

# Keeps track of hooks to run when the Gin config is finalized.
# Keeps track of whether the config is locked.
# Keeps track of whether "interactive mode" is enabled, in which case redefining
# a configurable is not an error.

# Keeps track of constants created via gin.constant, to both prevent duplicate
# definitions and to avoid writing them to the operative config.
_CONSTANTS = selector_map.SelectorMap()

# Keeps track of singletons created via the singleton configurable.

# Keeps track of file readers. These are functions that behave like Python's
# `open` function (can be used a context manager) and will be used to load
# config files. Each element of this list should be a tuple of `(function,
# exception_type)`, where `exception_type` is the type of exception thrown by
# `function` when a file can't be opened/read successfully.
_FILE_READERS = [(open, os.path.isfile)]

# Maintains a cache of argspecs for functions.

# List of location prefixes. Similar to PATH var in unix to be used to search
# for files with those prefixes.

# Value to represent required parameters.
REQUIRED = object()

def _find_class_construction_fn(cls):
  """Find the first __init__ or __new__ method in the given class's MRO."""
  for base in type.mro(cls):  # pytype: disable=wrong-arg-types
    if '__init__' in base.__dict__:
      return base.__init__
    if '__new__' in base.__dict__:
      return base.__new__

def _ensure_wrappability(fn):
  """Make sure `fn` can be wrapped cleanly by functools.wraps."""
  # Handle "builtin_function_or_method", "wrapped_descriptor", and
  # "method-wrapper" types.
  unwrappable_types = (type(sum), type(object.__init__), type(object.__call__))
  if isinstance(fn, unwrappable_types):
    # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda
    wrappable_fn = lambda *args, **kwargs: fn(*args, **kwargs)
    wrappable_fn.__name__ = fn.__name__
    wrappable_fn.__doc__ = fn.__doc__
    wrappable_fn.__module__ = ''  # These types have no __module__, sigh.
    wrappable_fn.__wrapped__ = fn
    return wrappable_fn

  # Otherwise we're good to go...
  return fn

def _decorate_fn_or_cls(decorator, fn_or_cls, subclass=False):
  """Decorate a function or class with the given decorator.

  When `fn_or_cls` is a function, applies `decorator` to the function and
  returns the (decorated) result.

  When `fn_or_cls` is a class and the `subclass` parameter is `False`, this will
  replace `fn_or_cls.__init__` with the result of applying `decorator` to it.

  When `fn_or_cls` is a class and `subclass` is `True`, this will subclass the
  class, but with `__init__` defined to be the result of applying `decorator` to
  `fn_or_cls.__init__`. The decorated class has metadata (docstring, name, and
  module information) copied over from `fn_or_cls`. The goal is to provide a
  decorated class the behaves as much like the original as possible, without
  modifying it (for example, inspection operations using `isinstance` or
  `issubclass` should behave the same way as on the original class).

    decorator: The decorator to use.
    fn_or_cls: The function or class to decorate.
    subclass: Whether to decorate classes by subclassing. This argument is
      ignored if `fn_or_cls` is not a class.

    The decorated function or class.
  if not inspect.isclass(fn_or_cls):  # pytype: disable=wrong-arg-types
    return decorator(_ensure_wrappability(fn_or_cls))

  construction_fn = _find_class_construction_fn(fn_or_cls)

  if subclass:

    class DecoratedClass(fn_or_cls):
      __doc__ = fn_or_cls.__doc__
      __module__ = fn_or_cls.__module__

    DecoratedClass.__name__ = fn_or_cls.__name__
    DecoratedClass.__qualname__ = fn_or_cls.__qualname__
    cls = DecoratedClass
    cls = fn_or_cls

  decorated_fn = decorator(_ensure_wrappability(construction_fn))
  if construction_fn.__name__ == '__new__':
    decorated_fn = staticmethod(decorated_fn)
  setattr(cls, construction_fn.__name__, decorated_fn)
  return cls

class Configurable(
        ['fn_or_cls', 'name', 'module', 'allowlist', 'denylist', 'selector'])):

def _raise_unknown_reference_error(ref, additional_msg=''):
  err_str = "No configurable matching reference '@{}{}'.{}"
  maybe_parens = '()' if ref.evaluate else ''
  raise ValueError(err_str.format(ref.selector, maybe_parens, additional_msg))

class ConfigurableReference:
  """Represents a reference to a configurable function or class."""

  def __init__(self, scoped_selector, evaluate):
    self._scoped_selector = scoped_selector
    self._evaluate = evaluate

    scoped_selector_parts = self._scoped_selector.split('/')
    self._scopes = scoped_selector_parts[:-1]
    self._selector = scoped_selector_parts[-1]
    self._configurable = _REGISTRY.get_match(self._selector)
    if not self._configurable:

    def reference_decorator(fn):
      if self._scopes:

        def scoping_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
          with config_scope(self._scopes):
            return fn(*args, **kwargs)

        return scoping_wrapper
      return fn

    self._scoped_configurable_fn = _decorate_fn_or_cls(
        reference_decorator, self.configurable.fn_or_cls, True)

  def configurable(self):
    return self._configurable

  def scoped_configurable_fn(self):
    return self._scoped_configurable_fn

  def scopes(self):
    return self._scopes

  def selector(self):
    return self._selector

  def scoped_selector(self):
    return self._scoped_selector

  def config_key(self):
    return ('/'.join(self._scopes), self._configurable.selector)

  def evaluate(self):
    return self._evaluate

  def __eq__(self, other):
    if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
      # pylint: disable=protected-access
      return (self._configurable == other._configurable and
              self._evaluate == other._evaluate)
      # pylint: enable=protected-access
    return False

  def __ne__(self, other):
    return not self.__eq__(other)

  def __hash__(self):
    return hash(repr(self))

  def __repr__(self):
    # Check if this reference is a macro or constant, i.e. @.../macro() or
    # @.../constant(). Only macros and constants correspond to the %... syntax.
    configurable_fn = self._configurable.fn_or_cls
    if configurable_fn in (macro, _retrieve_constant) and self._evaluate:
      return '%' + '/'.join(self._scopes)
    maybe_parens = '()' if self._evaluate else ''
    return '@{}{}'.format(self._scoped_selector, maybe_parens)

  def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
    """Dishonestly implements the __deepcopy__ special method.

    When called, this returns either the `ConfigurableReference` instance itself
    (when `self._evaluate` is `False`) or the result of calling the underlying
    configurable. Configurable references may be deeply nested inside other
    Python data structures, and by providing this implementation,
    `copy.deepcopy` can be used on the containing Python structure to return a
    copy replacing any `ConfigurableReference` marked for evaluation with its
    corresponding configurable's output.

      memo: The memoization dict (unused).

      When `self._evaluate` is `False`, returns the underlying configurable
      (maybe wrapped to be called in the proper scope). When `self._evaluate` is
      `True`, returns the output of calling the underlying configurable.
    if self._evaluate:
      return self._scoped_configurable_fn()
    return self._scoped_configurable_fn

class _UnknownConfigurableReference:
  """Represents a reference to an unknown configurable.

  This class acts as a substitute for `ConfigurableReference` when the selector
  doesn't match any known configurable.

  def __init__(self, selector, evaluate):
    self._selector = selector.split('/')[-1]
    self._evaluate = evaluate

  def selector(self):
    return self._selector

  def evaluate(self):
    return self._evaluate

  def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
    """Dishonestly implements the __deepcopy__ special method.

    See `ConfigurableReference` above. If this method is called, it means there
    was an attempt to use this unknown configurable reference, so we throw an
    error here.

      memo: The memoization dict (unused).

      ValueError: To report that there is no matching configurable.
    addl_msg = '\n\n    To catch this earlier, ensure gin.finalize() is called.'
    _raise_unknown_reference_error(self, addl_msg)

def _validate_skip_unknown(skip_unknown):
  if not isinstance(skip_unknown, (bool, list, tuple, set)):
    err_str = 'Invalid value for `skip_unknown`: {}'
    raise ValueError(err_str.format(skip_unknown))

def _should_skip(selector, skip_unknown):
  """Checks whether `selector` should be skipped (if unknown)."""
  if _REGISTRY.matching_selectors(selector):
    return False  # Never skip known configurables.
  if isinstance(skip_unknown, (list, tuple, set)):
    return selector in skip_unknown
  return skip_unknown  # Must be a bool by validation check.

class ParserDelegate(config_parser.ParserDelegate):
  """Delegate to handle creation of configurable references and macros."""

  def __init__(self, skip_unknown=False):
    self._skip_unknown = skip_unknown

  def configurable_reference(self, scoped_selector, evaluate):
    unscoped_selector = scoped_selector.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]
    if _should_skip(unscoped_selector, self._skip_unknown):
      return _UnknownConfigurableReference(scoped_selector, evaluate)
    return ConfigurableReference(scoped_selector, evaluate)

  def macro(self, name):
    matching_selectors = _CONSTANTS.matching_selectors(name)
    if matching_selectors:
      if len(matching_selectors) == 1:
        name = matching_selectors[0]
        return ConfigurableReference(name + '/gin.constant', True)
      err_str = "Ambiguous constant selector '{}', matches {}."
      raise ValueError(err_str.format(name, matching_selectors))
    return ConfigurableReference(name + '/gin.macro', True)

class ParsedBindingKey(
        ['scope', 'given_selector', 'complete_selector', 'arg_name'])):
  """Represents a parsed and validated binding key.

  A "binding key" identifies a specific parameter (`arg_name`), of a specific
  configurable (`complete_selector`), in a specific scope (`scope`), to which a
  value may be bound in the global configuration. The `given_selector` field
  retains information about how the original configurable selector was
  specified, which can be helpful for error messages (but is ignored for the
  purposes of equality and hashing).

  def __new__(cls, binding_key):
    """Parses and validates the given binding key.

    This function will parse `binding_key` (if necessary), and ensure that the
    specified parameter can be bound for the given configurable selector (i.e.,
    that the parameter isn't denylisted or not allowlisted if an allowlist was

      binding_key: A spec identifying a parameter of a configurable (maybe in
        some scope). This should either be a string of the form
        'maybe/some/scope/maybe.modules.configurable_name.parameter_name'; or a
        list or tuple of `(scope, selector, arg_name)`; or another instance of

      A new instance of `ParsedBindingKey`.

      ValueError: If no function can be found matching the configurable name
        specified by `binding_key`, or if the specified parameter name is
        denylisted or not in the function's allowlist (if present).
    if isinstance(binding_key, ParsedBindingKey):
      return super(ParsedBindingKey, cls).__new__(cls, *binding_key)  # pytype: disable=missing-parameter

    if isinstance(binding_key, (list, tuple)):
      scope, selector, arg_name = binding_key
    elif isinstance(binding_key, str):
      scope, selector, arg_name = config_parser.parse_binding_key(binding_key)
      err_str = 'Invalid type for binding_key: {}.'
      raise ValueError(err_str.format(type(binding_key)))

    configurable_ = _REGISTRY.get_match(selector)
    if not configurable_:
      raise ValueError("No configurable matching '{}'.".format(selector))

    if not _might_have_parameter(configurable_.fn_or_cls, arg_name):
      err_str = "Configurable '{}' doesn't have a parameter named '{}'."
      raise ValueError(err_str.format(selector, arg_name))

    if configurable_.allowlist and arg_name not in configurable_.allowlist:
      err_str = "Configurable '{}' doesn't include kwarg '{}' in its allowlist."
      raise ValueError(err_str.format(selector, arg_name))

    if configurable_.denylist and arg_name in configurable_.denylist:
      err_str = "Configurable '{}' has denylisted kwarg '{}'."
      raise ValueError(err_str.format(selector, arg_name))

    return super(ParsedBindingKey, cls).__new__(

  def config_key(self):
    return self.scope, self.complete_selector

  def scope_selector_arg(self):
    return self.scope, self.complete_selector, self.arg_name

  def __equal__(self, other):
    # Equality ignores the `given_selector` field, since two binding keys should
    # be equal whenever they identify the same parameter.
    return self.scope_selector_arg == other.scope_selector_arg

  def __hash__(self):
    return hash(self.scope_selector_arg)

def _format_value(value):
  """Returns `value` in a format parseable by `parse_value`, or `None`.

  Simply put, This function ensures that when it returns a string value, the
  following will hold:

      parse_value(_format_value(value)) == value

    value: The value to format.

    A string representation of `value` when `value` is literally representable,
    or `None`.
  literal = repr(value)
    if parse_value(literal) == value:
      return literal
  except SyntaxError:
  return None

def _is_literally_representable(value):
  """Returns `True` if `value` can be (parseably) represented as a string.

    value: The value to check.

    `True` when `value` can be represented as a string parseable by
    `parse_literal`, `False` otherwise.
  return _format_value(value) is not None

def clear_config(clear_constants=False):
  """Clears the global configuration.

  This clears any parameter values set by `bind_parameter` or `parse_config`, as
  well as the set of dynamically imported modules. It does not remove any
  configurable functions or classes from the registry of configurables.

    clear_constants: Whether to clear constants created by `constant`. Defaults
      to False.
  if clear_constants:
    saved_constants = _CONSTANTS.copy()
    _CONSTANTS.clear()  # Clear then redefine constants (re-adding bindings).
    for name, value in saved_constants.items():
      constant(name, value)

def bind_parameter(binding_key, value):
  """Binds the parameter value specified by `binding_key` to `value`.

  The `binding_key` argument should either be a string of the form
  `maybe/scope/optional.module.names.configurable_name.parameter_name`, or a
  list or tuple of `(scope, selector, parameter_name)`, where `selector`
  corresponds to `optional.module.names.configurable_name`. Once this function
  has been called, subsequent calls (in the specified scope) to the specified
  configurable function will have `value` supplied to their `parameter_name`


      def network_fn(num_layers=5, units_per_layer=1024):

      def main(_):
        config.bind_parameter('fully_connected_network.num_layers', 3)
        network_fn()  # Called with num_layers == 3, not the default of 5.

    binding_key: The parameter whose value should be set. This can either be a
      string, or a tuple of the form `(scope, selector, parameter)`.
    value: The desired value.

    RuntimeError: If the config is locked.
    ValueError: If no function can be found matching the configurable name
      specified by `binding_key`, or if the specified parameter name is
      denylisted or not in the function's allowlist (if present).
  if config_is_locked():
    raise RuntimeError('Attempted to modify locked Gin config.')

  pbk = ParsedBindingKey(binding_key)
  fn_dict = _CONFIG.setdefault(pbk.config_key, {})
  fn_dict[pbk.arg_name] = value

def query_parameter(binding_key):
  """Returns the currently bound value to the specified `binding_key`.

  The `binding_key` argument should look like
  'maybe/some/scope/maybe.modules.configurable_name.parameter_name'. Note that
  this will not include default parameters.

    binding_key: The parameter whose value should be queried.

    The value bound to the configurable/parameter combination given in

    ValueError: If no function can be found matching the configurable name
      specified by `biding_key`, or if the specified parameter name is
      denylisted or not in the function's allowlist (if present) or if there is
      no value bound for the queried parameter or configurable.
  if config_parser.MODULE_RE.match(binding_key):
    matching_selectors = _CONSTANTS.matching_selectors(binding_key)
    if len(matching_selectors) == 1:
      return _CONSTANTS[matching_selectors[0]]
    elif len(matching_selectors) > 1:
      err_str = "Ambiguous constant selector '{}', matches {}."
      raise ValueError(err_str.format(binding_key, matching_selectors))
  pbk = ParsedBindingKey(binding_key)
  if pbk.config_key not in _CONFIG:
    err_str = "Configurable '{}' has no bound parameters."
    raise ValueError(err_str.format(pbk.given_selector))
  if pbk.arg_name not in _CONFIG[pbk.config_key]:
    err_str = "Configurable '{}' has no value bound for parameter '{}'."
    raise ValueError(err_str.format(pbk.given_selector, pbk.arg_name))
  return _CONFIG[pbk.config_key][pbk.arg_name]

def _might_have_parameter(fn_or_cls, arg_name):
  """Returns True if `arg_name` might be a valid parameter for `fn_or_cls`.

  Specifically, this means that `fn_or_cls` either has a parameter named
  `arg_name`, or has a `**kwargs` parameter.

    fn_or_cls: The function or class to check.
    arg_name: The name fo the parameter.

    Whether `arg_name` might be a valid argument of `fn`.
  if inspect.isclass(fn_or_cls):  # pytype: disable=wrong-arg-types
    fn = _find_class_construction_fn(fn_or_cls)
    fn = fn_or_cls

  while hasattr(fn, '__wrapped__'):
    fn = fn.__wrapped__
  arg_spec = _get_cached_arg_spec(fn)
  if arg_spec.varkw:
    return True
  return arg_name in arg_spec.args or arg_name in arg_spec.kwonlyargs

def _validate_parameters(fn_or_cls, arg_name_list, err_prefix):
  for arg_name in arg_name_list or []:
    if not _might_have_parameter(fn_or_cls, arg_name):
      err_str = "Argument '{}' in {} not a parameter of '{}'."
      raise ValueError(err_str.format(arg_name, err_prefix, fn_or_cls.__name__))

def _get_cached_arg_spec(fn):
  """Gets cached argspec for `fn`."""
  arg_spec = _ARG_SPEC_CACHE.get(fn)
  if arg_spec is None:
      arg_spec = inspect.getfullargspec(fn)
    except TypeError:
      # `fn` might be a callable object.
      arg_spec = inspect.getfullargspec(fn.__call__)
    _ARG_SPEC_CACHE[fn] = arg_spec
  return arg_spec

def _get_supplied_positional_parameter_names(fn, args):
  """Returns the names of the supplied arguments to the given function."""
  arg_spec = _get_cached_arg_spec(fn)
  # May be shorter than len(args) if args contains vararg (*args) arguments.
  return arg_spec.args[:len(args)]

def _get_all_positional_parameter_names(fn):
  """Returns the names of all positional arguments to the given function."""
  arg_spec = _get_cached_arg_spec(fn)
  args = arg_spec.args
  if arg_spec.defaults:
    args = args[:-len(arg_spec.defaults)]
  return args

def _get_kwarg_defaults(fn):
  """Returns a dict mapping kwargs to default values for the given function."""
  arg_spec = _get_cached_arg_spec(fn)
  if arg_spec.defaults:
    default_kwarg_names = arg_spec.args[-len(arg_spec.defaults):]
    arg_vals = dict(zip(default_kwarg_names, arg_spec.defaults))
    arg_vals = {}

  if arg_spec.kwonlydefaults:

  return arg_vals

def _get_validated_required_kwargs(fn, fn_descriptor, allowlist, denylist):
  """Gets required argument names, and validates against white/denylist."""
  kwarg_defaults = _get_kwarg_defaults(fn)

  required_kwargs = []
  for kwarg, default in kwarg_defaults.items():
    if default is REQUIRED:
      if denylist and kwarg in denylist:
        err_str = "Argument '{}' of {} marked REQUIRED but denylisted."
        raise ValueError(err_str.format(kwarg, fn_descriptor))
      if allowlist and kwarg not in allowlist:
        err_str = "Argument '{}' of {} marked REQUIRED but not allowlisted."
        raise ValueError(err_str.format(kwarg, fn_descriptor))

  return required_kwargs

def _get_default_configurable_parameter_values(fn, allowlist, denylist):
  """Retrieve all default values for configurable parameters of a function.

  Any parameters included in the supplied denylist, or not included in the
  supplied allowlist, are excluded.

    fn: The function whose parameter values should be retrieved.
    allowlist: The allowlist (or `None`) associated with the function.
    denylist: The denylist (or `None`) associated with the function.

    A dictionary mapping configurable parameter names to their default values.
  arg_vals = _get_kwarg_defaults(fn)

  # Now, eliminate keywords that are denylisted, or aren't allowlisted (if
  # there's an allowlist), or aren't representable as a literal value.
  for k in list(arg_vals):
    allowlist_fail = allowlist and k not in allowlist
    denylist_fail = denylist and k in denylist
    representable = _is_literally_representable(arg_vals[k])
    if allowlist_fail or denylist_fail or not representable:
      del arg_vals[k]

  return arg_vals

def _order_by_signature(fn, arg_names):
  """Orders given `arg_names` based on their order in the signature of `fn`."""
  arg_spec = _get_cached_arg_spec(fn)
  all_args = list(arg_spec.args)
  if arg_spec.kwonlyargs:
  ordered = [arg for arg in all_args if arg in arg_names]
  # Handle any leftovers corresponding to varkwargs in the order we got them.
  ordered.extend([arg for arg in arg_names if arg not in ordered])
  return ordered

def current_scope():
  return _SCOPE_MANAGER.current_scope

def current_scope_str():
  return '/'.join(current_scope())

def config_scope(name_or_scope):
  """Opens a new configuration scope.

  Provides a context manager that opens a new explicit configuration
  scope. Explicit configuration scopes restrict parameter bindings to only
  certain sections of code that run within the scope. Scopes can be nested to
  arbitrary depth; any configurable functions called within a scope inherit
  parameters defined by higher level scopes.

  For example, suppose a function named `preprocess_images` is called in two
  places in a codebase: Once when loading data for a training task, and once
  when loading data for an evaluation task:

      def load_training_data():
        with gin.config_scope('train'):
          images = preprocess_images(images)

      def load_eval_data():
        with gin.config_scope('eval'):
          images = preprocess_images(images)

  By using a `config_scope` to wrap each invocation of `preprocess_images` as
  above, it is possible to use Gin to supply specific parameters to each. Here
  is a possible configuration for the above example:

      preprocess_images.crop_size = [64, 64]
      preprocess_images.normalize_image = True

      train/preprocess_images.crop_location = 'random'
      train/preprocess_images.random_flip_lr = True

      eval/preprocess_images.crop_location = 'center'

  The `crop_size` and `normalize_image` parameters above will be shared by both
  the `train` and `eval` invocations; only `train` will receive
  `random_flip_lr`, and the two invocations receive different values for

  Passing `None` or `''` to `config_scope` will temporarily clear all currently
  active scopes (within the `with` block; they will be restored afterwards).

    name_or_scope: A name for the config scope, or an existing scope (e.g.,
      captured from `with gin.config_scope(...) as scope`), or `None` to clear
      currently active scopes.

    ValueError: If `name_or_scope` is not a list, string, or None.

    The resulting config scope (a list of all active scope names, ordered from
    outermost to innermost).
    valid_value = True
    if isinstance(name_or_scope, list):
      new_scope = name_or_scope
    elif name_or_scope and isinstance(name_or_scope, str):
      new_scope = current_scope()  # Returns a copy.
      valid_value = name_or_scope in (None, '')
      new_scope = []

    # Append new_scope first. It will be popped in the finally block if an
    # exception is raised below.

    scopes_are_valid = map(config_parser.MODULE_RE.match, new_scope)
    if not valid_value or not all(scopes_are_valid):
      err_str = 'Invalid value for `name_or_scope`: {}.'
      raise ValueError(err_str.format(name_or_scope))

    yield new_scope

def _make_gin_wrapper(fn, fn_or_cls, name, selector, allowlist, denylist):
  """Creates the final Gin wrapper for the given function.

    fn: The function that will be wrapped.
    fn_or_cls: The original function or class being made configurable. This will
      differ from `fn` when making a class configurable, in which case `fn` will
      be the constructor/new function, while `fn_or_cls` will be the class.
    name: The name given to the configurable.
    selector: The full selector of the configurable (name including any module
    allowlist: An allowlist of configurable parameters.
    denylist: A denylist of non-configurable parameters.

    The Gin wrapper around `fn`.
  # At this point we have access to the final function to be wrapped, so we
  # can cache a few things here.
  fn_descriptor = "'{}' ('{}')".format(name, fn_or_cls)
  signature_required_kwargs = _get_validated_required_kwargs(
      fn, fn_descriptor, allowlist, denylist)
  initial_configurable_defaults = _get_default_configurable_parameter_values(
      fn, allowlist, denylist)

  def gin_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
    """Supplies fn with parameter values from the configuration."""
    scope_components = current_scope()
    new_kwargs = {}
    for i in range(len(scope_components) + 1):
      partial_scope_str = '/'.join(scope_components[:i])
      new_kwargs.update(_CONFIG.get((partial_scope_str, selector), {}))
    gin_bound_args = list(new_kwargs.keys())
    scope_str = partial_scope_str

    arg_names = _get_supplied_positional_parameter_names(fn, args)

    for arg in args[len(arg_names):]:
      if arg is REQUIRED:
        raise ValueError(
            'gin.REQUIRED is not allowed for unnamed (vararg) parameters. If '
            'the function being called is wrapped by a non-Gin decorator, '
            'try explicitly providing argument names for positional '

    required_arg_names = []
    required_arg_indexes = []
    for i, arg in enumerate(args[:len(arg_names)]):
      if arg is REQUIRED:

    caller_required_kwargs = []
    for kwarg, value in kwargs.items():
      if value is REQUIRED:

    # If the caller passed arguments as positional arguments that correspond to
    # a keyword arg in new_kwargs, remove the keyword argument from new_kwargs
    # to let the caller win and avoid throwing an error. Unless it is an arg
    # marked as REQUIRED.
    for arg_name in arg_names:
      if arg_name not in required_arg_names:
        new_kwargs.pop(arg_name, None)

    # Get default values for configurable parameters.
    operative_parameter_values = initial_configurable_defaults.copy()
    # Update with the values supplied via configuration.

    # Remove any values from the operative config that are overridden by the
    # caller. These can't be configured, so they won't be logged. We skip values
    # that are marked as REQUIRED.
    for k in arg_names:
      if k not in required_arg_names:
        operative_parameter_values.pop(k, None)
    for k in kwargs:
      if k not in caller_required_kwargs:
        operative_parameter_values.pop(k, None)

    # An update is performed in case another caller of this same configurable
    # object has supplied a different set of arguments. By doing an update, a
    # Gin-supplied or default value will be present if it was used (not
    # overridden by the caller) at least once.
      op_cfg = _OPERATIVE_CONFIG.setdefault((scope_str, selector), {})

    # We call deepcopy for two reasons: First, to prevent the called function
    # from modifying any of the values in `_CONFIG` through references passed in
    # via `new_kwargs`; Second, to facilitate evaluation of any
    # `ConfigurableReference` instances buried somewhere inside `new_kwargs`.
    # See the docstring on `ConfigurableReference.__deepcopy__` above for more
    # details on the dark magic happening here.
    new_kwargs = copy.deepcopy(new_kwargs)

    # Validate args marked as REQUIRED have been bound in the Gin config.
    missing_required_params = []
    new_args = list(args)
    for i, arg_name in zip(required_arg_indexes, required_arg_names):
      if arg_name not in new_kwargs:
        new_args[i] = new_kwargs.pop(arg_name)

    # Validate kwargs marked as REQUIRED have been bound in the Gin config.
    for required_kwarg in signature_required_kwargs:
      if (required_kwarg not in arg_names and  # not a positional arg
          required_kwarg not in kwargs and  # or a keyword arg
          required_kwarg not in new_kwargs):  # or bound in config
    for required_kwarg in caller_required_kwargs:
      if required_kwarg not in new_kwargs:
        # Remove from kwargs and let the new_kwargs value be used.

    if missing_required_params:
      missing_required_params = (
          _order_by_signature(fn, missing_required_params))
      err_str = 'Required bindings for `{}` not provided in config: {}'
      minimal_selector = _REGISTRY.minimal_selector(selector)
      err_str = err_str.format(minimal_selector, missing_required_params)
      raise RuntimeError(err_str)

    # Now, update with the caller-supplied `kwargs`, allowing the caller to have
    # the final say on keyword argument values.

      return fn(*new_args, **new_kwargs)
    except Exception as e:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
      err_str = ''
      if isinstance(e, TypeError):
        all_arg_names = _get_all_positional_parameter_names(fn)
        if len(new_args) < len(all_arg_names):
          unbound_positional_args = list(
              set(all_arg_names[len(new_args):]) - set(new_kwargs))
          if unbound_positional_args:
            caller_supplied_args = list(
                set(arg_names + list(kwargs)) -
                set(required_arg_names + list(caller_required_kwargs)))
            fmt = ('\n  No values supplied by Gin or caller for arguments: {}'
                   '\n  Gin had values bound for: {gin_bound_args}'
                   '\n  Caller supplied values for: {caller_supplied_args}')
            canonicalize = lambda x: list(map(str, sorted(x)))
            err_str += fmt.format(
      err_str += "\n  In call to configurable '{}' ({}){}"
      scope_info = " in scope '{}'".format(scope_str) if scope_str else ''
      err_str = err_str.format(name, fn_or_cls, scope_info)
      utils.augment_exception_message_and_reraise(e, err_str)

  return gin_wrapper

def _make_configurable(fn_or_cls,
  """Wraps `fn_or_cls` to make it configurable.

  Infers the configurable name from `fn_or_cls.__name__` if necessary, and
  updates global state to keep track of configurable name <-> function
  mappings, as well as allowlisted and denylisted parameters.

    fn_or_cls: The function or class to decorate.
    name: A name for the configurable. If `None`, the name will be inferred from
      from `fn_or_cls`. The `name` may also include module components to be used
      for disambiguation (these will be appended to any components explicitly
      specified by `module`).
    module: The module to associate with the configurable, to help handle naming
      collisions. If `None`, `fn_or_cls.__module__` will be used (if no module
      is specified as part of `name`).
    allowlist: An allowlisted set of parameter names to supply values for.
    denylist: A denylisted set of parameter names not to supply values for.
    subclass: If `fn_or_cls` is a class and `subclass` is `True`, decorate by
      subclassing `fn_or_cls` and overriding its `__init__` method. If `False`,
      replace the existing `__init__` with a decorated version.

    A wrapped version of `fn_or_cls` that will take parameter values from the
    global configuration.

    RuntimeError: If the config is locked.
    ValueError: If a configurable with `name` (or the name of `fn_or_cls`)
      already exists, or if both an allowlist and denylist are specified.
  if config_is_locked():
    err_str = 'Attempted to add a new configurable after the config was locked.'
    raise RuntimeError(err_str)

  name = fn_or_cls.__name__ if name is None else name
  if config_parser.IDENTIFIER_RE.match(name):
    default_module = getattr(fn_or_cls, '__module__', None)
    module = default_module if module is None else module
  elif not config_parser.MODULE_RE.match(name):
    raise ValueError("Configurable name '{}' is invalid.".format(name))

  if module is not None and not config_parser.MODULE_RE.match(module):
    raise ValueError("Module '{}' is invalid.".format(module))

  selector = module + '.' + name if module else name
  if not _INTERACTIVE_MODE and selector in _REGISTRY:
    err_str = ("A configurable matching '{}' already exists.\n\n"
               'To allow re-registration of configurables in an interactive '
               'environment, use:\n\n'
               '    gin.enter_interactive_mode()')
    raise ValueError(err_str.format(selector))

  if allowlist and denylist:
    err_str = 'An allowlist or a denylist can be specified, but not both.'
    raise ValueError(err_str)

  if allowlist and not isinstance(allowlist, (list, tuple)):
    raise TypeError('allowlist should be a list or tuple.')

  if denylist and not isinstance(denylist, (list, tuple)):
    raise TypeError('denylist should be a list or tuple.')

  _validate_parameters(fn_or_cls, allowlist, 'allowlist')
  _validate_parameters(fn_or_cls, denylist, 'denylist')

  def decorator(fn):
    """Wraps `fn` so that it obtains parameters from the configuration."""
    return _make_gin_wrapper(fn, fn_or_cls, name, selector, allowlist,

  decorated_fn_or_cls = _decorate_fn_or_cls(
      decorator, fn_or_cls, subclass=subclass)

  _REGISTRY[selector] = Configurable(
  return decorated_fn_or_cls

[docs]def configurable(name_or_fn=None, module=None, allowlist=None, denylist=None, whitelist=None, blacklist=None): """Decorator to make a function or class configurable. This decorator registers the decorated function/class as configurable, which allows its parameters to be supplied from the global configuration (i.e., set through `bind_parameter` or `parse_config`). The decorated function is associated with a name in the global configuration, which by default is simply the name of the function or class, but can be specified explicitly to avoid naming collisions or improve clarity. If some parameters should not be configurable, they can be specified in `denylist`. If only a restricted set of parameters should be configurable, they can be specified in `allowlist`. The decorator can be used without any parameters as follows: @config.configurable def some_configurable_function(param1, param2='a default value'): ... In this case, the function is associated with the name `'some_configurable_function'` in the global configuration, and both `param1` and `param2` are configurable. The decorator can be supplied with parameters to specify the configurable name or supply an allowlist/denylist: @config.configurable('explicit_configurable_name', allowlist='param2') def some_configurable_function(param1, param2='a default value'): ... In this case, the configurable is associated with the name `'explicit_configurable_name'` in the global configuration, and only `param2` is configurable. Classes can be decorated as well, in which case parameters of their constructors are made configurable: @config.configurable class SomeClass: def __init__(self, param1, param2='a default value'): ... In this case, the name of the configurable is `'SomeClass'`, and both `param1` and `param2` are configurable. Args: name_or_fn: A name for this configurable, or a function to decorate (in which case the name will be taken from that function). If not set, defaults to the name of the function/class that is being made configurable. If a name is provided, it may also include module components to be used for disambiguation (these will be appended to any components explicitly specified by `module`). module: The module to associate with the configurable, to help handle naming collisions. By default, the module of the function or class being made configurable will be used (if no module is specified as part of the name). allowlist: An allowlisted set of kwargs that should be configurable. All other kwargs will not be configurable. Only one of `allowlist` or `denylist` should be specified. denylist: A denylisted set of kwargs that should not be configurable. All other kwargs will be configurable. Only one of `allowlist` or `denylist` should be specified. whitelist: Deprecated version of allowlist for backwards compatibility. blacklist: Deprecated version of denylist for backwards compatibility. Returns: When used with no parameters (or with a function/class supplied as the first parameter), it returns the decorated function or class. When used with parameters, it returns a function that can be applied to decorate the target function or class. """ if allowlist is None and whitelist: logging.warning('Argument whitelist is deprecated. Please use allowlist.') allowlist = whitelist if denylist is None and blacklist: logging.warning('Argument blacklist is deprecated. Please use denylist.') denylist = blacklist decoration_target = None if callable(name_or_fn): decoration_target = name_or_fn name = None else: name = name_or_fn def perform_decoration(fn_or_cls): return _make_configurable(fn_or_cls, name, module, allowlist, denylist) if decoration_target: return perform_decoration(decoration_target) return perform_decoration
def external_configurable(fn_or_cls, name=None, module=None, allowlist=None, denylist=None, whitelist=None, blacklist=None): """Allow referencing/configuring an external class or function. This alerts Gin to the existence of the class or function `fn_or_cls` in the event that it can't be easily annotated with `@configurable` (for instance, if it is from another project). This allows `fn_or_cls` to be configured and referenced (using the `@name` notation) via parameter binding strings. Note that only calls to the return value of this function or resulting from references to `fn_or_cls` made through binding strings (configurations) will have their parameters injected by Gin---explicit calls to `fn_or_cls` directly won't have any parameter bindings applied. Args: fn_or_cls: The external function or class that should be made configurable. name: The configurable name to be associated with `fn_or_cls`. The name may also include module components to be used for disambiguation (these will be appended to any components explicitly specified by `module`). module: The module to associate with the configurable, to help handle naming collisions. By default, `fn_or_cls.__module__` will be used (if no module is specified as part of the name). allowlist: An allowlist of parameter names to allow configuration for. denylist: A denylist of parameter names to deny configuration for. whitelist: Deprecated version of allowlist for backwards compatibility. blacklist: Deprecated version of denylist for backwards compatibility. Returns: A decorated version of `fn_or_cls` that permits parameter binding. For functions, this is just a wrapped version of the function. For classes, this is a carefully constructed subclass of `fn_or_cls` designed to behave nearly identically (even under many type inspection operations) save for the addition of parameter binding. """ if allowlist is None and whitelist: logging.warning('Argument whitelist is deprecated. Please use allowlist.') allowlist = whitelist if denylist is None and blacklist: logging.warning('Argument blacklist is deprecated. Please use denylist.') denylist = blacklist return _make_configurable( fn_or_cls, name=name, module=module, allowlist=allowlist, denylist=denylist, subclass=True) def register(name_or_fn=None, module=None, allowlist=None, denylist=None, whitelist=None, blacklist=None): """Decorator to register a function or class configurable. This decorator only registers the decorated function/class with Gin, so it can be passed to other configurables in `bind_parameter` or `parse_config`. This decorator doesn't change the decorated function/class, so any direct calls from within Python code are not affected by the configuration. If some parameters should not be configurable, they can be specified in `denylist`. If only a restricted set of parameters should be configurable, they can be specified in `allowlist`. The decorator can be used without any parameters as follows: @config.register def some_configurable_function(param1, param2='a default value'): ... In this case, the function is associated with the name `'some_configurable_function'` in the configuration, and both `param1` and `param2` are configurable. The decorator can be supplied with parameters to specify the name used to register or supply an allowlist/denylist: @config.register('explicit_name', allowlist='param2') def some_configurable_function(param1, param2='a default value'): ... In this case, the function is registered with the name `'explicit_name'` in the configuration registry, and only `param2` is configurable. Classes can be decorated as well, in which case parameters of their constructors are made configurable: @config.register class SomeClass: def __init__(self, param1, param2='a default value'): ... In this case, the name of the configurable is `'SomeClass'`, and both `param1` and `param2` are configurable. Args: name_or_fn: A name for this configurable, or a function to decorate (in which case the name will be taken from that function). If not set, defaults to the name of the function/class that is being made configurable. If a name is provided, it may also include module components to be used for disambiguation (these will be appended to any components explicitly specified by `module`). module: The module to associate with the configurable, to help handle naming collisions. By default, the module of the function or class being made configurable will be used (if no module is specified as part of the name). allowlist: An allowlisted set of kwargs that should be configurable. All other kwargs will not be configurable. Only one of `allowlist` or `denylist` should be specified. denylist: A denylisted set of kwargs that should not be configurable. All other kwargs will be configurable. Only one of `allowlist` or `denylist` should be specified. whitelist: Deprecated version of allowlist for backwards compatibility. blacklist: Deprecated version of denylist for backwards compatibility. Returns: When used with no parameters as a decorator (or with a function/class supplied as the first parameter), it returns the target function or class unchanged. When used with parameters, it returns a function that can be applied to register the target function or class with Gin (this function also returns the target function or class unchanged). """ if allowlist is None and whitelist: logging.warning('Argument whitelist is deprecated. Please use allowlist.') allowlist = whitelist if denylist is None and blacklist: logging.warning('Argument blacklist is deprecated. Please use denylist.') denylist = blacklist decoration_target = None if callable(name_or_fn): decoration_target = name_or_fn name = None else: name = name_or_fn def perform_decoration(fn_or_cls): # Register it as configurable but return the orinal fn_or_cls. _make_configurable( fn_or_cls, name=name, module=module, allowlist=allowlist, denylist=denylist, subclass=True) return fn_or_cls if decoration_target: return perform_decoration(decoration_target) return perform_decoration def _config_str(configuration_object, max_line_length=80, continuation_indent=4): """Print the configuration specified in configuration object. Args: configuration_object: Either OPERATIVE_CONFIG_ (operative config) or _CONFIG (all config, bound and unbound). max_line_length: A (soft) constraint on the maximum length of a line in the formatted string. Large nested structures will be split across lines, but e.g. long strings won't be split into a concatenation of shorter strings. continuation_indent: The indentation for continued lines. Returns: A config string capturing all parameter values set by the object. """ def format_binding(key, value): """Pretty print the given key/value pair.""" formatted_val = pprint.pformat( value, width=(max_line_length - continuation_indent)) formatted_val_lines = formatted_val.split('\n') if (len(formatted_val_lines) == 1 and len(key + formatted_val) <= max_line_length): output = '{} = {}'.format(key, formatted_val) else: indented_formatted_val = '\n'.join( [' ' * continuation_indent + line for line in formatted_val_lines]) output = '{} = \\\n{}'.format(key, indented_formatted_val) return output def sort_key(key_tuple): """Sort configurable selector/innermost scopes, ignoring case.""" scope, selector = key_tuple[0] parts = selector.lower().split('.')[::-1] + scope.lower().split('/')[::-1] return '/'.join(parts) # Build the output as an array of formatted Gin statements. Each statement may # span multiple lines. Imports are first, followed by macros, and finally all # other bindings sorted in alphabetical order by configurable name. formatted_statements = [ 'import {}'.format(module) for module in sorted(_IMPORTED_MODULES) ] if formatted_statements: formatted_statements.append('') macros = {} for (scope, selector), config in configuration_object.items(): if _REGISTRY[selector].fn_or_cls == macro: # pylint: disable=comparison-with-callable macros[scope, selector] = config if macros: formatted_statements.append('# Macros:') formatted_statements.append('# ' + '=' * (max_line_length - 2)) for (name, _), config in sorted(macros.items(), key=sort_key): binding = format_binding(name, config['value']) formatted_statements.append(binding) if macros: formatted_statements.append('') sorted_items = sorted(configuration_object.items(), key=sort_key) for (scope, selector), config in sorted_items: configurable_ = _REGISTRY[selector] fn = configurable_.fn_or_cls if fn == macro or fn == _retrieve_constant: # pylint: disable=comparison-with-callable continue minimal_selector = _REGISTRY.minimal_selector(configurable_.selector) scoped_selector = (scope + '/' if scope else '') + minimal_selector parameters = [ (k, v) for k, v in config.items() if _is_literally_representable(v) ] formatted_statements.append('# Parameters for {}:'.format(scoped_selector)) formatted_statements.append('# ' + '=' * (max_line_length - 2)) for arg, val in sorted(parameters): binding = format_binding('{}.{}'.format(scoped_selector, arg), val) formatted_statements.append(binding) if not parameters: formatted_statements.append('# None.') formatted_statements.append('') return '\n'.join(formatted_statements) def operative_config_str(max_line_length=80, continuation_indent=4): """Retrieve the "operative" configuration as a config string. The operative configuration consists of all parameter values used by configurable functions that are actually called during execution of the current program. Parameters associated with configurable functions that are not called (and so can have no effect on program execution) won't be included. The goal of the function is to return a config that captures the full set of relevant configurable "hyperparameters" used by a program. As such, the returned configuration will include the default values of arguments from configurable functions (as long as the arguments aren't denylisted or missing from a supplied allowlist), as well as any parameter values overridden via `bind_parameter` or through `parse_config`. Any parameters that can't be represented as literals (capable of being parsed by `parse_config`) are excluded. The resulting config string is sorted lexicographically and grouped by configurable name. Args: max_line_length: A (soft) constraint on the maximum length of a line in the formatted string. Large nested structures will be split across lines, but e.g. long strings won't be split into a concatenation of shorter strings. continuation_indent: The indentation for continued lines. Returns: A config string capturing all parameter values set in the current program. """ return _config_str(_OPERATIVE_CONFIG, max_line_length, continuation_indent) def config_str(max_line_length=80, continuation_indent=4): """Retrieve the interpreted configuration as a config string. This is not the _operative configuration_, in that it includes parameter values which are unused by by the program. Args: max_line_length: A (soft) constraint on the maximum length of a line in the formatted string. Large nested structures will be split across lines, but e.g. long strings won't be split into a concatenation of shorter strings. continuation_indent: The indentation for continued lines. Returns: A config string capturing all parameter values used by the current program. """ return _config_str(_CONFIG, max_line_length, continuation_indent) class ParsedConfigFileIncludesAndImports( collections.namedtuple('ParsedConfigFileIncludesAndImports', ['filename', 'imports', 'includes'])): pass def parse_config(bindings, skip_unknown=False): """Parse a file, string, or list of strings containing parameter bindings. Parses parameter binding strings to set up the global configuration. Once `parse_config` has been called, any calls to configurable functions will have parameter values set according to the values specified by the parameter bindings in `bindings`. An individual parameter binding has the format maybe/some/scopes/configurable_name.parameter_name = value Multiple binding strings can be passed either in the form of a file-like object supporting the `readline` method, a single string with each individual parameter binding separated by a newline, or as a list of individual parameter binding strings. Any Python literal (lists, tuples, dicts, strings, etc.) is acceptable to the right of the equals sign, and follows standard Python rules for line continuation. Additionally, a value starting with '@' is interpreted as a (possibly scoped) reference to another configurable function, in which case this value is replaced by a reference to that function. If the value furthermore ends in `()` (e.g., `@configurable_name()`), then the value returned when calling the function is used (it will be called *just before* the function consuming the output is called). See the module documentation for a more detailed description of scoping mechanisms and a complete example. Reading from a file could be done as follows: with open('/path/to/file.config') as bindings: gin.parse_config(bindings) Passing a newline separated string of parameter bindings might look like: bindings = ''' my_class.param_one = 'asdf' my_class_param_two = 9.7 ''' gin.parse_config(bindings) Alternatively, one can declare a list of parameter bindings and pass it in: bindings = [ 'my_class.param_one = "asdf"', 'my_class.param_two = 9.7', ] gin.parse_config(bindings) Can skip unknown configurables. For example, if no module containing a 'training' configurable was imported, errors can be avoided by specifying `skip_unknown=True`: bindings = [ 'my_class.param_one = "asdf"', 'my_class.param_two = 9.7', 'training.learning_rate = 0.1', ] gin.parse_config(bindings, skip_unknown=True) Args: bindings: A file-like object supporting the readline method, a newline separated string of parameter bindings, or a list of individual parameter binding strings. skip_unknown: A boolean indicating whether unknown configurables and imports should be skipped (instead of causing an error). Configurable references to unknown configurables will cause errors if they are present in a binding that is not itself skipped due to an unknown configurable. This can also be a list of configurable names: any unknown configurables that do not match an item in the list will still cause errors. Note that bindings for known configurables will always be parsed. Returns: includes: List of ParsedConfigFileIncludesAndImports describing the result of loading nested include statements. imports: List of names of imported modules. """ if isinstance(bindings, (list, tuple)): bindings = '\n'.join(bindings) _validate_skip_unknown(skip_unknown) if isinstance(skip_unknown, (list, tuple)): skip_unknown = set(skip_unknown) parser = config_parser.ConfigParser(bindings, ParserDelegate(skip_unknown)) includes = [] imports = [] for statement in parser: if isinstance(statement, config_parser.BindingStatement): scope, selector, arg_name, value, location = statement if not arg_name: macro_name = '{}/{}'.format(scope, selector) if scope else selector with utils.try_with_location(location): bind_parameter((macro_name, 'gin.macro', 'value'), value) continue if not _should_skip(selector, skip_unknown): with utils.try_with_location(location): bind_parameter((scope, selector, arg_name), value) elif isinstance(statement, config_parser.ImportStatement): imports.append(statement.module) if skip_unknown: try: __import__(statement.module) _IMPORTED_MODULES.add(statement.module) except ImportError: tb_len = len(traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])) log_str = ('Skipping import of unknown module `%s` ' '(skip_unknown=True).') log_args = [statement.module] if tb_len > 1: # In case the error comes from a nested import (i.e. the module is # available, but it imports some unavailable module), print the # traceback to avoid confusion. log_str += '\n%s' log_args.append(traceback.format_exc()), *log_args) else: with utils.try_with_location(statement.location): __import__(statement.module) _IMPORTED_MODULES.add(statement.module) elif isinstance(statement, config_parser.IncludeStatement): with utils.try_with_location(statement.location): nested_includes = parse_config_file(statement.filename, skip_unknown) includes.append(nested_includes) else: raise AssertionError('Unrecognized statement type {}.'.format(statement)) return includes, imports def register_file_reader(*args): """Register a file reader for use in parse_config_file. Registered file readers will be used to try reading files passed to `parse_config_file`. All file readers (beginning with the default `open`) will be tried until one of them succeeds at opening the file. This function may also be be used used as a decorator. For example: @register_file_reader(IOError) def exotic_data_source(filename): ... Args: *args: (When used as a decorator, only the existence check is supplied.) - file_reader_fn: The file reader function to register. This should be a function that can be used as a context manager to open a file and provide a file-like object, similar to Python's built-in `open`. - is_readable_fn: A function taking the file path and returning a boolean indicating whether the file can be read by `file_reader_fn`. Returns: `None`, or when used as a decorator, a function that will perform the registration using the supplied readability predicate. """ def do_registration(file_reader_fn, is_readable_fn): if file_reader_fn not in list(zip(*_FILE_READERS))[0]: _FILE_READERS.append((file_reader_fn, is_readable_fn)) if len(args) == 1: # It's a decorator. return functools.partial(do_registration, is_readable_fn=args[0]) elif len(args) == 2: do_registration(*args) else: # 0 or > 2 arguments supplied. err_str = 'register_file_reader() takes 1 or 2 arguments ({} given)' raise TypeError(err_str.format(len(args))) def add_config_file_search_path(location_prefix): """Adds a path that will be searched for config files by parse_config_file.""" _LOCATION_PREFIXES.append(location_prefix) def parse_config_file( config_file: str, skip_unknown: bool = False, print_includes_and_imports: bool = False ) -> ParsedConfigFileIncludesAndImports: """Parse a Gin config file. Args: config_file: The path to a Gin config file. skip_unknown: A boolean indicating whether unknown configurables and imports should be skipped instead of causing errors (alternatively a list of configurable names to skip if unknown). See `parse_config` for additional details. print_includes_and_imports: Whether to print the resulting nested includes and imports. Returns: results: An instance of ParsedConfigFileIncludesAndImports containing the filename of the parse files, a list of names of imported modules and a list of ParsedConfigFileIncludesAndImports created from including nested gin files. Raises: IOError: If `config_file` cannot be read using any register file reader. """ prefixes = _LOCATION_PREFIXES if not os.path.isabs(config_file) else [''] for location_prefix in prefixes: config_file_with_prefix = os.path.join(location_prefix, config_file) for reader, existence_check in _FILE_READERS: if existence_check(config_file_with_prefix): with reader(config_file_with_prefix) as f: includes, imports = parse_config(f, skip_unknown=skip_unknown) results = ParsedConfigFileIncludesAndImports( filename=config_file, imports=imports, includes=includes) if print_includes_and_imports: log_includes_and_imports(results) return results err_str = 'Unable to open file: {}. Searched config paths: {}.' raise IOError(err_str.format(config_file, prefixes)) def parse_config_files_and_bindings(config_files: Optional[Sequence[str]], bindings: Optional[Sequence[str]], finalize_config: bool = True, skip_unknown: bool = False, print_includes_and_imports: bool = False): """Parse a list of config files followed by extra Gin bindings. This function is equivalent to: for config_file in config_files: gin.parse_config_file(config_file, skip_configurables) gin.parse_config(bindings, skip_configurables) if finalize_config: gin.finalize() Args: config_files: A list of paths to the Gin config files. bindings: A list of individual parameter binding strings. finalize_config: Whether to finalize the config after parsing and binding (defaults to True). skip_unknown: A boolean indicating whether unknown configurables and imports should be skipped instead of causing errors (alternatively a list of configurable names to skip if unknown). See `parse_config` for additional details. print_includes_and_imports: If true, print a summary of the hierarchy of included gin config files and imported modules. Returns: includes_and_imports: List of ParsedConfigFileIncludesAndImports. """ if config_files is None: config_files = [] if bindings is None: bindings = '' nested_includes_and_imports = [] for config_file in config_files: includes_and_imports = parse_config_file(config_file, skip_unknown) nested_includes_and_imports.append(includes_and_imports) parse_config(bindings, skip_unknown) if finalize_config: finalize() if print_includes_and_imports: for includes_and_imports in nested_includes_and_imports: log_includes_and_imports(includes_and_imports) return nested_includes_and_imports def log_includes_and_imports( file_includes_and_imports: ParsedConfigFileIncludesAndImports, first_line_prefix: str = '', prefix: str = ''): """Logs a ParsedConfigFileIncludesAndImports and its includes and imports."""'%s%s', first_line_prefix, file_includes_and_imports.filename) infix = ' │' if file_includes_and_imports.includes else ' ' if file_includes_and_imports.imports: for imported_module in file_includes_and_imports.imports:'%s%s import %s', prefix, infix, imported_module) if file_includes_and_imports.includes: for i, nested_result in enumerate(file_includes_and_imports.includes): if i < len(file_includes_and_imports.includes) - 1: nested_first_line_prefix = prefix + ' ├─ ' nested_prefix = prefix + ' │ ' else: nested_first_line_prefix = prefix + ' └─ ' nested_prefix = prefix + ' ' log_includes_and_imports( nested_result, first_line_prefix=nested_first_line_prefix, prefix=nested_prefix) def parse_value(value): """Parse and return a single Gin value.""" if not isinstance(value, str): raise ValueError('value ({}) should be a string type.'.format(value)) return config_parser.ConfigParser(value, ParserDelegate()).parse_value() def config_is_locked(): return _CONFIG_IS_LOCKED def _set_config_is_locked(is_locked): global _CONFIG_IS_LOCKED _CONFIG_IS_LOCKED = is_locked @contextlib.contextmanager def unlock_config(): """A context manager that temporarily unlocks the config. Once the config has been locked by `gin.finalize`, it can only be modified using this context manager (to make modifications explicit). Example: with gin.unlock_config(): ... gin.bind_parameter(...) In the case where the config is already unlocked, this does nothing (the config remains unlocked). Yields: None. """ config_was_locked = config_is_locked() _set_config_is_locked(False) yield _set_config_is_locked(config_was_locked) def enter_interactive_mode(): global _INTERACTIVE_MODE _INTERACTIVE_MODE = True def exit_interactive_mode(): global _INTERACTIVE_MODE _INTERACTIVE_MODE = False @contextlib.contextmanager def interactive_mode(): try: enter_interactive_mode() yield finally: exit_interactive_mode() def finalize(): """A function that should be called after parsing all Gin config files. Calling this function allows registered "finalize hooks" to inspect (and potentially modify) the Gin config, to provide additional functionality. Hooks should not modify the configuration object they receive directly; instead, they should return a dictionary mapping Gin binding keys to (new or updated) values. This way, all hooks see the config as originally parsed. Raises: RuntimeError: If the config is already locked. ValueError: If two or more hooks attempt to modify or introduce bindings for the same key. Since it is difficult to control the order in which hooks are registered, allowing this could yield unpredictable behavior. """ if config_is_locked(): raise RuntimeError('Finalize called twice (config already locked).') bindings = {} for hook in _FINALIZE_HOOKS: new_bindings = hook(_CONFIG) if new_bindings is not None: for key, value in new_bindings.items(): pbk = ParsedBindingKey(key) if pbk in bindings: err_str = 'Received conflicting updates when running {}.' raise ValueError(err_str.format(hook)) bindings[pbk] = value for pbk, value in bindings.items(): bind_parameter(pbk, value) _set_config_is_locked(True) def register_finalize_hook(fn): """Registers `fn` as a hook that will run during `gin.finalize`. All finalize hooks should accept the current config, and return a dictionary containing any additional parameter bindings that should occur in the form of a mapping from (scoped) configurable names to values. Args: fn: The function to register. Returns: `fn`, allowing `register_finalize_hook` to be used as a decorator. """ _FINALIZE_HOOKS.append(fn) return fn def _iterate_flattened_values(value): """Provides an iterator over all values in a nested structure.""" if isinstance(value, str): yield value return if isinstance(value, collections.Mapping): value = collections.ValuesView(value) # pytype: disable=wrong-arg-count if isinstance(value, collections.Iterable): for nested_value in value: for nested_nested_value in _iterate_flattened_values(nested_value): yield nested_nested_value yield value def iterate_references(config, to=None): """Provides an iterator over references in the given config. Args: config: A dictionary mapping scoped configurable names to argument bindings. to: If supplied, only yield references whose `configurable_fn` matches `to`. Yields: `ConfigurableReference` instances within `config`, maybe restricted to those matching the `to` parameter if it is supplied. """ for value in _iterate_flattened_values(config): if isinstance(value, ConfigurableReference): if to is None or value.configurable.fn_or_cls == to: yield value def validate_reference(ref, require_bindings=True, require_evaluation=False): if require_bindings and ref.config_key not in _CONFIG: err_str = "No bindings specified for '{}' in config string: \n{}" raise ValueError(err_str.format(ref.scoped_selector, config_str())) if require_evaluation and not ref.evaluate: err_str = ("Reference '{}' must be evaluated (add '()') " 'in config string: \n{}.') raise ValueError(err_str.format(ref, config_str())) @configurable(module='gin') def macro(value): """A Gin macro.""" return value @configurable('constant', module='gin') def _retrieve_constant(): """Fetches and returns a constant from the _CONSTANTS map.""" return _CONSTANTS[current_scope_str()] @configurable(module='gin') def singleton(constructor): return singleton_value(current_scope_str(), constructor) def singleton_value(key, constructor=None): if key not in _SINGLETONS: if not constructor: err_str = "No singleton found for key '{}', and no constructor was given." raise ValueError(err_str.format(key)) if not callable(constructor): err_str = "The constructor for singleton '{}' is not callable." raise ValueError(err_str.format(key)) _SINGLETONS[key] = constructor() return _SINGLETONS[key] def constant(name, value): """Creates a constant that can be referenced from gin config files. After calling this function in Python, the constant can be referenced from within a Gin config file using the macro syntax. For example, in Python: gin.constant('THE_ANSWER', 42) Then, in a Gin config file: meaning.of_life = %THE_ANSWER Note that any Python object can be used as the value of a constant (including objects not representable as Gin literals). Values will be stored until program termination in a Gin-internal dictionary, so avoid creating constants with values that should have a limited lifetime. Optionally, a disambiguating module may be prefixed onto the constant name. For instance: gin.constant('some.modules.PI', 3.14159) Args: name: The name of the constant, possibly prepended by one or more disambiguating module components separated by periods. An macro with this name (including the modules) will be created. value: The value of the constant. This can be anything (including objects not representable as Gin literals). The value will be stored and returned whenever the constant is referenced. Raises: ValueError: If the constant's selector is invalid, or a constant with the given selector already exists. """ if not config_parser.MODULE_RE.match(name): raise ValueError("Invalid constant selector '{}'.".format(name)) if _CONSTANTS.matching_selectors(name): err_str = "Constants matching selector '{}' already exist ({})." raise ValueError(err_str.format(name, _CONSTANTS.matching_selectors(name))) _CONSTANTS[name] = value def constants_from_enum(cls=None, module=None): """Decorator for an enum class that generates Gin constants from values. Generated constants have format `module.ClassName.ENUM_VALUE`. The module name is optional when using the constant. Args: cls: Class type. module: The module to associate with the constants, to help handle naming collisions. If `None`, `cls.__module__` will be used. Returns: Class type (identity function). Raises: TypeError: When applied to a non-enum class. """ def decorator(cls, module=module): if not issubclass(cls, enum.Enum): raise TypeError("Class '{}' is not subclass of enum.".format( cls.__name__)) if module is None: module = cls.__module__ for value in cls: constant('{}.{}'.format(module, str(value)), value) return cls if cls is None: return decorator return decorator(cls) @register_finalize_hook def validate_macros_hook(config): for ref in iterate_references(config, to=macro): validate_reference(ref, require_evaluation=True) @register_finalize_hook def find_unknown_references_hook(config): """Hook to find/raise errors for references to unknown configurables.""" additional_msg_fmt = " In binding for '{}'." for (scope, selector), param_bindings in config.items(): for param_name, param_value in param_bindings.items(): for maybe_unknown in _iterate_flattened_values(param_value): if isinstance(maybe_unknown, _UnknownConfigurableReference): scope_str = scope + '/' if scope else '' min_selector = _REGISTRY.minimal_selector(selector) binding_key = '{}{}.{}'.format(scope_str, min_selector, param_name) additional_msg = additional_msg_fmt.format(binding_key) _raise_unknown_reference_error(maybe_unknown, additional_msg) def markdownify_operative_config_str(string): """Convert an operative config string to markdown format.""" # TODO: Total hack below. Implement more principled formatting. def process(line): """Convert a single line to markdown format.""" if not line.startswith('#'): return ' ' + line line = line[2:] if line.startswith('===='): return '' if line.startswith('None'): return ' # None.' if line.endswith(':'): return '#### ' + line return line output_lines = [] for line in string.splitlines(): procd_line = process(line) if procd_line is not None: output_lines.append(procd_line) return '\n'.join(output_lines)