Source code for divik._summary

"""Summarizing functions for DiviK result.

Copyright 2019 Grzegorz Mrukwa

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

import logging
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple

import numpy as np

import divik._utils as u

def depth(tree, children_collection_name='subregions'):
    """Get tree depth."""
    if tree is None:
        return 1
    return max(depth(subtree) for subtree
               in getattr(tree, children_collection_name)) + 1

def total_number_of_clusters(tree) -> int:
    """Get the number of leaves in the tree."""
    if tree is None:
        return 1
    return sum(total_number_of_clusters(subtree)
               for subtree in tree.subregions)

def merged_partition(tree: u.DivikResult, levels_limit: int = np.inf,
                     return_paths: bool = False) -> u.IntLabels:
    """Compute merged segmentation labels."""
    assert tree is not None, 'Nothing was segmented.'
    merged, paths = _merged_partition(
        tree.clustering.labels_, tree.subregions, levels_limit)
    if return_paths:
        return merged, paths
    return merged

def _merged_partition(partition: u.IntLabels,
                      subregions: List[Optional[u.DivikResult]],
                      levels_limit: int = np.inf) \
        -> Tuple[u.IntLabels, Dict[int, Tuple[int]]]:
    """Compute merged segmentation labels."""
    result = partition * 0 - 1
    known_clusters = 0
    paths = {}
    for cluster_number, subregion in enumerate(subregions):
        current_cluster = partition == cluster_number
        if subregion is None or levels_limit <= 1:
            result[current_cluster] = known_clusters
            paths[known_clusters] = (cluster_number,)
            known_clusters += 1
            local_partition, down_paths = _merged_partition(
                subregion.clustering.labels_, subregion.subregions,
            result[current_cluster] = local_partition + known_clusters
            for cluster in np.unique(local_partition):
                paths[cluster + known_clusters] = (
                    cluster_number, *down_paths[cluster])
            known_clusters += np.max(local_partition) + 1
    return result, paths

def _update_graph(tree, size: int, graph: 'networkx.Graph' = None,
    tree_node = len(graph)
    graph.add_node(tree_node, size=size)
    if parent is not None:
        graph.add_edge(parent, tree_node)
    if tree is None:
    for idx, subtree in enumerate(tree.subregions):
                      size=np.sum(tree.clustering.labels_ == idx),

def _as_graph(tree) -> 'networkx.DiGraph':
    import networkx as nx
    graph = nx.DiGraph()
    _update_graph(tree, size=tree.partition.size, graph=graph, parent=None)
    return graph

def _make_labels(graph):
    import networkx as nx
    attributes = nx.get_node_attributes(graph, 'size')
    return {
        idx: "{0} (size={1})".format(idx, attributes[idx])
        for idx in graph

def _make_sizes(graph):
    import networkx as nx
    values = np.array(list(nx.get_node_attributes(graph, 'size').values()))
    return list(np.sqrt(values))

def scale_plot_size(factor=1.5):
    """Scale plot size in jupyter notebook."""
    import matplotlib as mpl
    default_dpi = mpl.rcParamsDefault['figure.dpi']
    mpl.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = default_dpi * factor

def _make_positions(graph):
    import networkx as nx
    intermediate = nx.spectral_layout(graph)
    return nx.spring_layout(graph, pos=intermediate, iterations=20)

[docs]def plot(tree, with_size=False): """Plot visualization of splits.""" graph = _as_graph(tree) arguments = { 'G': graph, 'pos': _make_positions(graph), 'node_size': _make_sizes(graph), 'font_size': 3, 'width': .1 # lines width } if with_size: arguments['labels'] = _make_labels(graph) import networkx as nx nx.draw_networkx(**arguments) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.axis('off')
[docs]def reject_split(tree: Optional[u.DivikResult], rejection_size: int = 0) \ -> Optional[u.DivikResult]: """Re-apply rejection condition on known result tree.""" if tree is None: logging.debug("Rejecting empty.") return None counts = np.unique(tree.clustering.labels_, return_counts=True)[1] if any(counts <= rejection_size): logging.debug("Rejecting by condition.") return None allowed_subregions = [ reject_split(subregion, rejection_size) for subregion in tree.subregions ] merged, _ = _merged_partition(tree.clustering.labels_, allowed_subregions) logging.debug("Returning pruned tree.") return u.DivikResult( clustering=tree.clustering, feature_selector=tree.feature_selector, merged=merged, subregions=allowed_subregions )