Source code for

import logging
import os
from functools import partial

import h5py
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import io as scio

import divik.core as u

def _load_mat_with(path: str, backend=scio.loadmat, ignore="__") -> np.ndarray:
    data = backend(path)
    logging.debug("Data file opened successfully.")
    key = [key for key in list(data.keys()) if not key.startswith(ignore)]
    logging.debug("Found variables: {0}".format(key))
    if len(key) != 1:
        raise ValueError(
            "There should be a single variable inside MAT-file: "
            + path
            + "\nWere: "
            + str(key)
    logging.debug("Selecting variable: {0}".format(key[0]))
    selected = data[key[0]]
    logging.debug("Loaded variable from file.")
    contignuous = np.array(selected, dtype=float)
    logging.debug("Converted to contignuous.")
    return contignuous

def _load_mat(path: str) -> np.ndarray:
    logging.debug("Loading MAT-file: " + path)
        logging.debug("Trying out legacy MAT-file loader.")
        return _load_mat_with(path, backend=scio.loadmat, ignore="__")
    except NotImplementedError:  # v7.3 MATLAB HDF5 MAT-File
        logging.debug("Legacy MAT-file loader failed, restarting with HDF5 loader.")
        hdf5 = partial(h5py.File, mode="r")
        return _load_mat_with(path, backend=hdf5, ignore="#").T

[docs]def load_data(path: str) -> u.Data: """Load 2D tabular data from file""""Loading data: " + path) normalized = path.lower() if normalized.endswith(".csv"): loader = partial(np.loadtxt, delimiter=",") elif normalized.endswith(".txt"): loader = np.loadtxt elif normalized.endswith(".npy"): loader = np.load elif normalized.endswith(".mat"): loader = _load_mat else: message = "Unsupported data format: " + os.path.splitext(path)[1] logging.error(message) raise IOError(message) return loader(path)
[docs]def try_load_data(path): """Load 2D tabular data from file with logging""" try: data = load_data(path) logging.debug("Data loaded successfully.") except Exception as ex: logging.error("Data loading failed with an exception.") logging.error(repr(ex)) raise return data
[docs]def try_load_xy(path): """Load integer spatial coordinates with logging from file""" if path is not None: try: xy = load_data(path).astype(int) logging.debug("Coordinates loaded successfully.") except Exception as ex: logging.error("Coordinates loading failed with an exception.") logging.error(repr(ex)) raise else: xy = None return xy
[docs]def save_csv(array: np.ndarray, fname: str): """Save array to csv""" pd.DataFrame(array).to_csv(fname, header=False, index=False)